



DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 1 - The History of Atlantis)
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 2 - The Deluge)
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 3 - The Civilization of the Old World...)
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 4 - The Mythologies of the Old World - A Recollection of Atlantis)
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 5 - The Colonies of Atlantis)
PLATO Critias (The Story of Atlantis)
PLATO Timaeus (The Story of Atlantis)
SCOTT-ELLIOT The Story of Atlantis
STEINER The Submerged Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria
TILAK The Arctic Home in the Vedas (Part 1)
TILAK The Arctic Home in the Vedas (Part 2)


BRODSKY A European View Of  Masonic Growth
BRODSKY The Regular Freemason
DUNCAN Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor (Ancient York Rite)
FREEMASONRY The Book of Old Charges of Freemasonry
HALL Freemasonry - The Eternal Quest
HALL Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
HALL The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
HEINDEL Freemasonry and Catholicism
HIGGINS Masonic Geometry
KEPLINGER Masonic Geometry - A Key to Mound Builders Remains
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter A)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter B)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter C)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter D)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter E)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter F)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter G)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter H)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter I)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter J)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter K)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter L)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter M)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter N)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter O)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter P)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter Q)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter R)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter S)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter T)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter U)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter V)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter W)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter X)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter Y)
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter Z)
MACKEY The History Of Freemasonry (Vol. 1)
MACKEY The History Of Freemasonry (Vol. 2 - 1/2)
MACKEY The History Of Freemasonry (Vol. 2 - 2/2)
MACKEY The Symbolism of Freemasonry (Part 1)
MACKEY The Symbolism of Freemasonry (Part 2)
NEWTON The Builders - A Story and Study of Masonry (Part I)
NEWTON The Builders - A Story and Study of Masonry (Part II)
NEWTON The Builders - A Story and Study of Masonry (Part III)
REUSS The Secret of Masonry and the Mystery of the Holy Mass
SOMMERS The Revival of a Patriotic Order :  Knights Templars in England and New York
STEINER The Temple Legend
TROWARD Jachin and Boaz
WAITE Of Alchemy in Masonry
WAITE Some deeper aspects of Masonic symbolism
WAITE The real history of the Rosicrucians
WAITE The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry (Vol. 1 - Books 1-2)
WAITE The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry (Vol. 1 - Books 3-4)
WAITE The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry (Vol. 2 - Book 5)
WAITE The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry (Vol. 2 - Books 6-7)
WAITE The Templar Orders in Freemasonry
WILLERMOZ The Complete Rule of Nine Points
YARKER The Arcane Schools (Part 1)
YARKER The Arcane Schools (Part 2)
YARKER The Arcane Schools (Part 3)


BASILIDES The Seven Sermons To The Dead
BRICAUD Gnostic Catechism


ANONYMUS The Occult Anatomy of Man
BULLOCK Hermetic Philosophy
BULWER-LYTTON Zanoni (Part 1)
BULWER-LYTTON Zanoni (Part 2)
DAVIS Symbology Of The Christ Blood
ECKARTSHAUSEN The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary
ENOCH The Book of Enoch
KUHN The Red Sea is your Blood
LOMER Seven Hermetic Letters
WAITE Lexicon of Alchemy
WAITE Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers
WAITE Raymund Lully
WAITE What is Alchemy ?


BLITZ Ritual and Monitor of the Martinist Order
PAPUS The Path of the Heart
SAINT-MARTIN Correspondence between Saint-Martin and Kirchberger
SAINT-MARTIN Eighty Aphorisms and Maxims
SAINT-MARTIN The Magnificence of Wisdom
SAINT-MARTIN The Origin and Destiny of Man
WAITE Saint-Martin - The French Mystic
WAITE The School of Martinism


COOMARASWAMY & NOBLE Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists (Part 1)
COOMARASWAMY & NOBLE Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists (Part 2)
COOMARASWAMY The Interpretation of Symbols
GREG Meaning and origin of the Fylfot and Swastika
KUHN Easter - The Birthday of the Gods
KUHN Mary Magdalene & Her Seven Devils
KUHN The Great Myth of the Sun-Gods
KUHN Yule and Noel - The Saga of Christmas
MACHELL The Legend of the Grail
MURRAY Child-Sacrifice among European Witches
THISELTON DYER Plants in Witchcraft
WILSON The Swastika


HARTMANN In The Pronaos Of The Temple Of Wisdom (The History Of The True And The False Rosicrucians)
HEINDEL Ancient and Modern Initiation
HEINDEL Spiritual Alchemy
HEINDEL The Cosmic Christ
HEINDEL The Cosmic Meaning Of Easter
HEINDEL The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas
HEINDEL The Path of Initiation
HEINDEL The Rosicrucian Mysteries
HEINDEL The Sacred Shekinah Glory
KISEWETTER The Rosicrucians
LEWIS The Rosicrucian Code of Life
ROSY CROSS Altar of the Theraphic Brotherhood Fraternitatis Crucis Roseae
ROSY CROSS Confessio Fraternitatis (1615) - English
ROSY CROSS Fama Fraternitatis (1614) - English
ROSY CROSS The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz
ROSY CROSS The Consideratio Brevis of Philip à Gabella
ROSY CROSS The Rosie Crucian Prayer to God
ROSY CROSS Vaughan's Preface to the Rosicrucian Manifestos
WESTCOTT Christian Rosenkreuz and the Rosicrucians


ABRAHAM Sepher Yetsirah
AGRIPPA Geomancy
AMBELAIN The Origins of Kabbalah
ANONYMOUS Arbatel of Magick
ANONYMUS Introduction to "The Ancient Magic Crystal and its Probable Connection with Mesmerism"
ARUNDALE Kundalini - An Occult Experience
BERRIDGE Some Thoughts on Imagination (To practice magic)
BREWER Mystical swords et swords-makers
BUTLER Basics of Magic
CASE & WHITTY A Dissertation Concerning the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom
CHAOUL Ancient Tibetan Yogic Practices from the Bön Religion
CORYN The Zodiac (Precession and the Yugas)
CREMONA Astronomical Geomancy
ELIPHAS LEVI Dogma and Ritual of High Magic (Part 1)
ELIPHAS LEVI Dogma and Ritual of High Magic (Part 2)
FORTUNE Talismanic Magic
FORTUNE The Circuit of Force
FORTUNE The Invisible Intelligences
FORTUNE The Paths upon the Tree
FRENCH White Lotus Breath
HALL Ceremonial Magick and Sorcery
HALL Obsession and Mediumship
HALL The Devolution and Evolution of Astrology
HEINDEL The Mystic Rite Of Baptism
HENRY La magie dans l'Inde antique
JONES Some Ideas on The Fourth Dimension
KEPLER Concerning the more certains fundamentals of Astrology
KUHN The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet
RAMA PRASAD The Science of Breath and the Philosophy of the Tatwas
RUNIC POEMS (Old Norse-English)
SIMONDS A short definition of the possible uses of Astrology
TRITHEMIUS Seven Secondary Causes of The Heavenly Intelligences Governing The Orbes Under God
WAITE Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah (Part 1)
WAITE Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah (Part 2)
WAITE The Occult Sciences
WESTCOTT An Introduction to the Study of The Kabalah
WESTCOTT Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues
WESTCOTT The Chaldaean Oracles of Zoroaster
WESTCOTT The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo
WESTCOTT The Order of the Golden Dawn


ABBOTT The Uniform Soul of Cosmos
BENNETT Right Understanding
BENNETT The Law of Righteousness
BENNETT Transmigration
BROWSKI The Yezidees or Devil-Worshipers
COHEN The true biblical idea of God
COOMARASWAMY Hinduism and Buddhism
DEL MAR Karma - The Law of Freedom
DEL MAR The Spiritual Life
DEMOPHILUS The Pythagoric Sentences
DRESSER The true history of mental science
EASTMAN The Soul of the Indian
HALL Mystic Christianity
HALL The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies
HARTMANN Among the “Adepts”
HIGGINS The Meaning of Initiation
JUNG On Life After Death
KRISHNAMURTI At The Feet Of The Master
KUHN Prayer and Healing
KUHN The Root of All Religion
PAPUS Reincarnation and Religion
PLUMMER The Universal Trinity
RAMA PRASAD The Science of Breath and the Philosophy of the Tatwas
RANDALL Frontiers of the Afterlife
REGARDIE Reincarnation
REUSS Mystic Anatomy
RYDBERG Teutonic Mythology
SCOTT The Dimensions
SMITH The Book of Mormon (Part 1)
SMITH The Book of Mormon (Part 2)
SMITH The Book of Mormon (Part 3)
SMITH The Book of Mormon (Part 4)
TIBET  Bardo Thodol - The Tibetan Book of the Dead
WARD The Cambridge Platonists
WHITTY Immortality
WILDER Life Eternal
WILDER Philosophy and Ethics of the Zoroasters
WILDER Zoroastrism : An Afterword
YUNGDRUG BÖN A Brief Overview Of Bön Spiritual Practices (Pre-Buddist Religion Of Tibet)
YUNGDRUNG BÖN An Introduction to Bön
YUNGDRUNG BÖN Ancient Tibetan Bonpo Shamanism
YUNGDRUNG BÖN Ancient Tibetan Yogic Practices from the Bön Religion and their Migration into Contemporary Medical Settings (By M.A. Chaoul)
YUNGDRUNG BÖN Glossary of Bön Terms
YUNGDRUNG BÖN Origin and History of Bön (Myths-Legends-Teachings)
YUNGDRUNG BÖN The Bönpo Traditions of Dzogchen (By Lama Vajranatha)
YUNGDRUNG BÖN Tönpa Shenrab Miwoche (The Founder of Bön)
YUNGDRUNG BÖN What Is Yungdrung ?
YUNGDRUNG BÖN Yungdrung Bön lineage
ZENGZI The Great Learning
ZISI The Doctrine of the Mean


ANONYMUS The Tarot Cards
PAPUS The Tarot of the Bohemians
WAITE The Pictorial Key to the Rider-Waite Tarot (full text)


ADAMS Moral Aspect of Karma
ALLAN Christmas Peace
ANDERSON The Re-Incarnating Ego
AYANGAR Brahmopanishad of the Yajur Veda
BESANT A Word on Man's Nature and Man's Powers
BESANT Esoteric Christianity (Part I)
BESANT Esoteric Christianity (Part II)
BESANT The Larger Consciousness
BESANT The Law of Duty
BESANT The Law of Sacrifice
BLAVATSKY La Doctrina Secreta (extracto)
BLAVATSKY Stanzas of Dzyan
BLAVATSKY The Secret Doctrine (excerpt)
BLAVATSKY The Voice Of The Silence
BULLOCK Egyptian Belief Theosophically Considered
CLOVER The Evolution of Man
COLLINS Light On The Path
CORYN The Language of Symbols
CORYN What is Prana ?
EDGE Theosophy and Modern Science
ELLIS Ethics of Theosophy
FISHER Plethora
FULLERTON Topics in Reincarnation
GLASS The Doctrine of the Resurrection
HILLARD On the Scientific Importance of Dream
HOLT Consciousness
IYER Occult Physiology
IYER The Symbolism in "Yagna"
KINGSFORD "Violationism" or Sorcery in Science
KINGSLAND Freewill and Karma
KISLINGBURY Karma and Free-Will
KISLINGBURY Spiritualism in its Relation to Theosophy
KISLINGBURY The Mystic Side of Christianity
LEADBEATER Law of Cause and Effect
LEADBEATER Life After Death
LEADBEATER Masters of Wisdom
LEADBEATER Power and Use of Thought
MACHELL Reincarnation
MEAD Theosophical Symbology
MOORE Keely's Progress
OLIPHANT On Dynaspheric Force
P.W.B. Occultism Past and Present
RAM Totality Truth
SINNETT Esoteric Buddhism
SINNETT The Invisible World
SOLAR SPHINX Notes on Hatha Yoga
SRINIVASAYANGAR What are we Here For ?
SUBBA ROW The Occultism of Southern India
T.T.C. The Qualifications Needed for Practical Occultism
WARD Neo-Platonism
WARD Ralph Waldo Emerson and Theosophy
WEDGWOOD Varieties of Psychism
WILLIAMS In the Shadow of the Gods
WOODS Man and his Creators