ABBOTT The Uniform Soul of Cosmos |
ABRAHAM Sepher Yetsirah |
ADAMS Moral Aspect of Karma |
AGRIPPA Geomancy |
ALLAN Christmas Peace |
AMBELAIN The Origins of Kabbalah |
ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA The Epic of Gilgamesh |
ANDERSON The Re-Incarnating Ego |
ANONYMUS Introduction to "The Ancient Magic Crystal and its Probable Connection with Mesmerism" |
ANONYMUS The Occult Anatomy of Man |
ANONYMUS The Tarot Cards |
ARUNDALE Kundalini - An Occult Experience |
BASILIDES The Seven Sermons To The Dead |
BENNETT Right Understanding |
BENNETT The Law of Righteousness |
BENNETT Transmigration |
BERRIDGE Some Thoughts on Imagination (To practice magic) |
BESANT Esoteric Christianity (Part I) |
BESANT Esoteric Christianity (Part II) |
BESANT The Larger Consciousness |
BESANT The Law of Duty |
BESANT The Law of Sacrifice |
BLAVATSKY La Doctrina Secreta (extracto) |
BLAVATSKY Stanzas of Dzyan |
BLAVATSKY The Secret Doctrine (excerpt) |
BLAVATSKY The Voice Of The Silence |
BREWER Mystical swords et swords-makers |
BRICAUD Gnostic Catechism |
BROWSKI The Yezidees or Devil-Worshipers |
BULLOCK Egyptian Belief Theosophically Considered |
BULLOCK Hermetic Philosophy |
BULWER-LYTTON Zanoni (Part 1) |
BULWER-LYTTON Zanoni (Part 2) |
BUTLER Basics of Magic |
CASE & WHITTY A Dissertation Concerning the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom |
CLOVER The Evolution of Man |
COHEN The true biblical idea of God |
COLLINS Light On The Path |
COOMARASWAMY The Interpretation of Symbols |
CORYN The Language of Symbols |
CORYN The Zodiac (Precession and the Yugas) |
CREMONA Astronomical Geomancy |
DAVIS Symbology Of The Christ Blood |
DEL MAR Karma - The Law of Freedom |
DEL MAR The Law |
DEL MAR The Spiritual Life |
DEMOPHILUS The Pythagoric Sentences |
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 1 - The History of Atlantis) |
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 2 - The Deluge) |
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 3 - The Civilization of the Old World...) |
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 4 - The Mythologies of the Old World - A Recollection of Atlantis) |
DONNELLY Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (Part 5 - The Colonies of Atlantis) |
DRESSER The true history of mental science |
EASTMAN The Soul of the Indian |
ECKARTSHAUSEN The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary |
ELLIS Ethics of Theosophy |
ENOCH The Book of Enoch |
FABRE D'OLIVET Intellectual and Metaphysical Constitution of Man |
FISHER Plethora |
FORTUNE Talismanic Magic |
FORTUNE The Circuit of Force |
FORTUNE The Invisible Intelligences |
FORTUNE The Paths upon the Tree |
FREEMASONRY The Book of Old Charges of Freemasonry |
FRENCH White Lotus Breath |
FULLERTON Topics in Reincarnation |
GLASS The Doctrine of the Resurrection |
HALL Ceremonial Magick and Sorcery |
HALL Freemasonry - The Eternal Quest |
HALL Mystic Christianity |
HALL Obsession and Mediumship |
HALL Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins |
HALL The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies |
HALL The Devolution and Evolution of Astrology |
HALL The Lost Keys of Freemasonry |
HARTMANN Alchemy |
HARTMANN Among the “Adepts” |
HARTMANN In The Pronaos Of The Temple Of Wisdom (The History Of The True And The False Rosicrucians) |
HEINDEL Ancient and Modern Initiation |
HEINDEL Freemasonry and Catholicism |
HEINDEL Spiritual Alchemy |
HEINDEL The Cosmic Christ |
HEINDEL The Cosmic Meaning Of Easter |
HEINDEL The Message of the Stars |
HEINDEL The Mystic Rite Of Baptism |
HEINDEL The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas |
HEINDEL The Path of Initiation |
HEINDEL The Rosicrucian Mysteries |
HEINDEL The Sacred Shekinah Glory |
HIGGINS Masonic Geometry |
HIGGINS The Meaning of Initiation |
HILLARD On the Scientific Importance of Dream |
HOLT Consciousness |
JONES Some Ideas on The Fourth Dimension |
JORDANES The origin and deeds of the Goths |
JUNG On Life After Death |
KEPLER Concerning the more certains fundamentals of Astrology |
KEPLINGER Masonic Geometry - A Key to Mound Builders Remains |
KINGSFORD "Violationism" or Sorcery in Science |
KINGSLAND Freewill and Karma |
KISEWETTER The Rosicrucians |
KISLINGBURY Karma and Free-Will |
KISLINGBURY Spiritualism in its Relation to Theosophy |
KISLINGBURY The Mystic Side of Christianity |
KRISHNAMURTI At The Feet Of The Master |
KRISHNAMURTI Meditations |
KUHN Easter - The Birthday of the Gods |
KUHN Mary Magdalene & Her Seven Devils |
KUHN Prayer and Healing |
KUHN The Esoteric Structure of the Alphabet |
KUHN The Great Myth of the Sun-Gods |
KUHN The Red Sea is your Blood |
KUHN The Root of All Religion |
KUHN Yule and Noel - The Saga of Christmas |
LEADBEATER Law of Cause and Effect |
LEADBEATER Life After Death |
LEADBEATER Masters of Wisdom |
LEADBEATER Power and Use of Thought |
LEWIS The Rosicrucian Code of Life |
LOMER Seven Hermetic Letters |
MACHELL Reincarnation |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter A) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter B) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter C) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter D) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter E) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter F) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter G) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter H) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter I) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter J) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter K) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter L) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter M) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter N) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter O) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter P) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter Q) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter R) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter S) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter T) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter U) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter V) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter W) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter X) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter Y) |
MACKEY Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Letter Z) |
MACKEY The History Of Freemasonry (Vol. 1) |
MACKEY The History Of Freemasonry (Vol. 2 - 1/2) |
MACKEY The History Of Freemasonry (Vol. 2 - 2/2) |
MACKEY The Symbolism of Freemasonry (Part 1) |
MACKEY The Symbolism of Freemasonry (Part 2) |
MEAD Theosophical Symbology |
MOORE Keely's Progress |
MURRAY Child-Sacrifice among European Witches |
NEWTON The Builders - A Story and Study of Masonry (Part I) |
NEWTON The Builders - A Story and Study of Masonry (Part II) |
NEWTON The Builders - A Story and Study of Masonry (Part III) |
OLIPHANT On Dynaspheric Force |
PAPUS Reincarnation and Religion |
PAPUS The Path of the Heart |
PLATO Critias (The Story of Atlantis) |
PLATO Timaeus (The Story of Atlantis) |
PLUMMER The Universal Trinity
RAM Totality Truth |
RAMA PRASAD The Science of Breath and the Philosophy of the Tatwas |
RANDALL Frontiers of the Afterlife |
REGARDIE Reincarnation |
REUSS Mystic Anatomy |
REUSS The Secret of Masonry and the Mystery of the Holy Mass |
RUNIC POEMS (Old Norse-English) |
RYDBERG Teutonic Mythology |
SAINT-MARTIN Correspondence between Saint-Martin and Kirchberger |
SAINT-MARTIN Eighty Aphorisms and Maxims |
SAINT-MARTIN Ten Prayers |
SAINT-MARTIN The Magnificence of Wisdom |
SAINT-MARTIN The Origin and Destiny of Man |
SAMAEL AUN WEOR The Kundalini |
SCOTT The Dimensions |
SCOTT-ELLIOT The Story of Atlantis |
SIMONDS A short definition of the possible uses of Astrology |
SINNETT Esoteric Buddhism |
SINNETT The Invisible World |
SMITH The Book of Mormon (Part 1) |
SMITH The Book of Mormon (Part 2) |
SMITH The Book of Mormon (Part 3) |
SMITH The Book of Mormon (Part 4) |
SRINIVASAYANGAR What are we Here For ? |
STEINER Life and Death : The greater Guardian of the Threshold |
STEINER Some Practical Aspects |
STEINER The Conditions of Esoteric Training |
STEINER The Continuity of Consciousness |
STEINER The Guardian of the Threshold |
STEINER The Splitting of the Human Personality during Spiritual Training |
STEINER The Stages of Initiation |
STEINER The Submerged Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria |
STEINER The Transformation of Dream Life |
SUBBA ROW The Occultism of Southern India |
TACITUS Germany |
THISELTON DYER Plants in Witchcraft |
TRITHEMIUS Seven Secondary Causes of The Heavenly Intelligences Governing The Orbes Under God |
TROWARD Jachin and Boaz |
WAITE Some deeper aspects of Masonic symbolism |
WAITE The School of Martinism |
WAITE The Templar Orders in Freemasonry |
WARD Neo-Platonism |
WARD The Cambridge Platonists |
WARD The Cambridge Platonists |
WARD The Cambridge Platonists |
WEDGWOOD Varieties of Psychism |
WESTCOTT Alchemy |
WESTCOTT An Introduction to the Study of The Kabalah |
WESTCOTT Christian Rosenkreuz and the Rosicrucians |
WESTCOTT Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues |
WESTCOTT The Chaldaean Oracles of Zoroaster |
WESTCOTT The Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo |
WESTCOTT The Order of the Golden Dawn |
WHITTY Immortality |
WILDER Life Eternal |
WILDER Philosophy and Ethics of the Zoroasters |
WILDER Zoroastrism : An Afterword |
WILLERMOZ The Complete Rule of Nine Points |
YARKER The Arcane Schools (Part 1) |
YARKER The Arcane Schools (Part 2) |
YARKER The Arcane Schools (Part 3) |
ZENGZI The Great Learning |
ZISI The Doctrine of the Mean |