
LEWIS The Rosicrucian Code of Life


Harvey Spencer Lewis

The following rules are taken from old and modern manuscripts wherein certain regulations are set forth for the guidance of Rosi- crucians who are devoting their entire lives to an idealization of the Order’s principles. Perhaps only in some of the old monasteries of India, or those in Tibet, could one live strictly in accordance with all the ancient regulations; but those selected for publication here can be adopted by a great many of our members in the Occident. We know from prac- tical experience that most of these can be adhered to by any man or woman without interfering with the necessary duties and obligations of present-day living.

We know, also, that most of our Officers and advanced members are living the Rosicrucian life in accordance with the rules suggested here, much to their own great advancement, the joy of their associates in family and business, and the betterment of mankind generally. It will profit you greatly to try adopting as many of these rules as possible.

1. Upon arising in the morning start the day with a prayer of thankfulness to God for the return of consciousness, because of the opportunities it affords to continue the Great Work and mission of your life. Face the geographical east, inhale fresh air with seven deep breaths, exhale them slowly with mind concentrated upon the vitality going to each part of the body to awaken the psychic centers. Then bathe, and drink a glass of cold water before eating.

2. Upon retiring, and after conducting all psychic experiments scheduled for the night, or attending to any special psychic or Rosicrucian work contained in your weekly lesson or program, give thanks to God for the day and its fruits; ask the Cosmic Hosts to accept your psychic services while you sleep, to use your consciousness as they desire and, if it please God and the Masters to have you live another day on Earth, So Mote It Be! Then, with thoughts of love for all living beings, and a sense of peace and harmony with all the universe, close your eyes and fall asleep, visualizing your inner self in the consciousness of God.

3. Before each meal wash your hands clean and hold them, palms downward, over the plate of food for a fraction of a minute. Then mentally pray that the benediction of God be granted to the food you eat that it may be magnetized with the spiritual radiations from your hands, and thus greatly supply the needs of the body. Before eating the first morsel, say mentally: “May all who need food share with me what I enjoy, and may God show me how I may share with others what they have not.”

4. Before accepting any blessing from the material world (whether purchased by money, labor, or exchange, or whether received as a gift), say mentally: “By the privilege of God I receive this and pray that it may help me better to fulfill my mission in life.” This applies even to such things as clothing, personal requisites, periods of pleas- ure at the theatre, church, musicals, etc., or even to such small things as books, helpful reading matter, etc., and of course includes the receipt of money as salary, commission, gifts, or otherwise.

5. Whenever any special blessing is received, such as long desired things from the material world of any nature, or a small or large luxury, or an unexpected piece of goodness, do not use or apply it to your own personal use in any way until you have retired to the silence somewhere for a few minutes to meditate and ask this ques- tion: “Have I truly deserved this blessing and is there any way in v.hich I can share the benefit of it—directly or indirectly—with oth- ers or for the benefit of man?” Then wait for an answer from the Cosmic. If you receive no word that it is undeserved or should be shared, or passed on to another, then say: “I thank God and the Cosmic for this blessing; may I use it to the glory of my Soul.”

6. If any special honor—military, governmental, political, social, or otherwise—is being conferred upon you, always act with the ut- most humility, proclaim your unworthiness (for who is truly worthy of all things?) and with a mental resolution that it must not make you proud or selfish. Accept the blessing with a prayer of thankful- ness and assert that, in the name of those whom you can serve better with such blessing, you receive it.

7. Never permit yourself to enter discussions of other persons’ religious beliefs, except to point out the soundness, goodness, or pos- sible benefits of certain doctrines and thereby show them the good that exists in all religions. Hold not your religious thoughts as su- perior. Speak well of them if need be, point out how they serve you, but do not create in the minds of others the thought that they are in sin or error because of their beliefs. That religion is best for each which enables one to understand God and God’s mysterious ways.

8. Be tolerant on all subjects and bear in mind that destructivecriticism creates naught but sorrow. Unless you can constructively comment on matters, refrain from speaking.

9. Attempt no direct reforms in the lives of others. Discover in yourself what needs correction and improve yourself, that by the Light of your Life you may point the way to others.

10. Flaunt not your attainments, nor boast of your Rosicrucian knowledge. You may be a Rosicrucian as a member of the brother- hood, but as a Rosicrucian in knowledge and power, the greatest and highest among us is but a child of the studies and unworthy of Rosi- crucian recognition. Proclaim yourself, not as a master, but as a Rosicrucian student—ever a student—eternally.

11. Seek to share what you can spare, daily, even if in small ways and meager amounts. Go out of your way to find where that which you can give or do will be a blessing to someone or many, and while performing this duty shun all personal glory and let it be known that you are simply “about the work of the Cosmic.”

12. Accept no personal thanks for any blessings you bestow, any gift you give, or any help you render. When “thanks” are expressed it is customary to say: “Please thank me not, for it is I who am grateful. I seek, and must seek, to serve and labor for the Cosmic; you have afforded me an opportunity. But, now the obligation to pass it on rests with you; may you, too, find an opportunity to serve someone else,”—or any other words indicative of this spirit.

13. Accept no gift of a material nature for any good you do unless you agree with yourself in the moment of accepting it, and so state to the giver, that you will divide the blessing with someone where it will continue to carry on its mission of relief and help. This is essentially necessary when the material gift is of such a nature— like money, food, clothing, etc.—that it can be divided and is a common necessity on the part of many.

14. Bear in mind that through your Rosicrucian Order you always have an open portal to help many, and that by sharing with them any blessings you pass on to others, who are fratres and sorores of the Order in need, the blessings which come to you, perhaps as a trustee of the Cosmic.

15. As you give so shall you receive! As each opportunity to give is seized upon with the utmost impulsiveness, so will future bless- ings, sought or required, be granted to you by the Cosmic. The greater the impulsiveness—with little thought as to personal sacrifice —the greater will be the compensation credited in the Cosmic.

16. Let not a day pass by without speaking to someone of the work of the Cosmic through the portal of the Rosicrucian Order. Each day make someone more familiar with its Great Work, not always by soliciting, not always by preachments, but by simple state- ments of facts, simple demonstrations, and the kind word of recommendation,

17. Respect all persons, honor thy father and mother; be sympathetic to the sinful, helpful to the afflicted, and of service to the Cosmic. He is greatest among you who is the greatest servant unto all. Hence the Master of a Lodge and the Imperator are greatest, because they may be the greatest servants.

18. Provide now, while consciousness can assist you, to take care of those who may be dependent after your transition; and if you have no one who will require a share of your earthly possessions after your transition—or you have sufficient to more than do for them— be certain that you grant, in proper and legal manner, a disposition of some of your worldly blessings to the superior body of your Rosicrucian Order—the Supreme Grand Lodge—that it may be helped in the work it is doing for others.

19. Go to the assistance of any living being, regardless of race, creed, or color, when you can render direct or indirect aid in any emergency. If you cannot give aid in person, but can call or solicit aid, this, too, is imperative. In quiet and peace perform your work, render your service, and retire with as little recognition as possible.

20. Maintain one place in your home that is sacred to you and your Order. In it find peace and time for meditation daily. Profane it not with pleasures of the flesh, but sanctify it with your higher thoughts.

21. Give your support, moral or physical, to some church in your community, that it may have your help in carrying on the Great Work in its Light.

22. Assume no political office without properly and duly notify- ing all who may sponsor or support your attainment of your definite views and principles toward humanity at large, that they may not expect or depend upon your submission to principles of a lesser degree.

23. Judge not, unless you are so placed that those to be judged come legally and formally before you as an accredited servant of the multitude. Then in sympathy understand, in mercy comprehend, in leniency estimate, and with love be fair. For the Law of Compensation will make adequate demands, and the God of all is alone a truly competent judge of all facts.

24. Repeat no slander, tell no tales, and support no reports that injure or condemn unless accompanied by more than the same degree of constructive criticism and comment, and only after you have com- pletely investigated and learned all the facts.

25. Seek the good in all things and give public praise to what you find. Look not upon the changing character of the outer self, but discover the real Self within. Learn to know all beings and love them.

26. Gamble not with the lot of another who in ignorance may lose and suffer what you gain.

27. Avoid all extremes in thought and act; be moderate in all desires, and subdue your passions in all directions.

28. Attempt no radical or sudden changes in the natural scheme of things; remember the Rosicrucian injunction: Not by revolution, but through evolution, are all things accomplished in permanency.

29. Hold sacred and above all criticism the ideals of the Rosicrucians. Permit no slander to affect the good name of your Order. Live that life which will prove the goodness of your principles. And be ready to defend the emblem of the Rosy Cross with the might of your life and the light of your being.